Title Block


The Title Block showcases the title at the very top of the page below the navigation. It can also have a subheading beneath a horizontal line break.

On-page Example

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Title Block Example 

Component Specifications

Item/Field Description Required/Optional
Title Field type: Single line text
Text: H1 Heading
Wrapping: Single line
Character Recommendation: 35
Orange line centered below title
Title Text Block Field type: Text block
Text: Styled text
Character Recommendation: 250
Page Placement Will always display at the top of the page  NA

When to Use

This content block is best used to display the appropriate page title at the top of an internal page on the website. A subheading can also be included to provide brief summary of the page's content or purpose. 

When to Consider Something Else

Do not use this element if you do not need a main headline for the page. 

How to Use

 Add a title representative of the content on the page and include an optional subtitle to provide a brief summary of the page's content. 

Accessibility Tips

Include a relevant and appropriate title that gives a good summary of the page's content. Also please do not update the heading type.

Commonly Used

Text Content


Headings & Titles